An open source, lightweight, embeddable directory that can easily share real-time
customer, device, and user identity data across enterprise, cloud, social, and
mobile environments.
Massive data scale and high availability providings developers with
ultra-lightweight ways to access identity data
High Performance - ms response times & tens of thousands of w/r per sec
Multi Master replication for high availability
Originally based on Sun MicroSystem's OpenDS, ForgeRock have been developing and
commercially supporting OpenDJ since 2010.
This version was originally released to ForgeRock customers in March 2015, and is
now being released as our Community Edition with CDDL binary licensing
which enables the downloadable binaries to be use din production.
It is well tested an has held millions of identities in its lifetime.
Convenient APIs
As well as the expected LDAP access OpenDJ lets you access directory data
as JSON resources over HTTP making it super convenient for web and phone apps.
Getting Started
Download the binary, follow the installation guide then the admin guide
will walk you through the following steps: