ForgeOps Helm Repository

Please refer to the ForgeOps official documentation for the latest and most up to date installation documentation:

Below is a quick overview of the helm installation process using this helm repository.

Identity platform install

In order to deploy the identity platform, simply execute helm with the desired options. Example:

$ kubectl create namespace identity-platform
$ helm upgrade identity-platform identity-platform \
    --repo \
    --version 2025.1.1 --namespace identity-platform --install \
    -f values-override.yaml

The above example installs version 2025.1.1 of the Helm chart from the repository.

The next example will deploy the identity platform while using the command line to set the host and TLS settings for the ingress:

$ kubectl create namespace identity-platform
$ helm upgrade identity-platform identity-platform \
    --repo \
    --version 2025.1.1 --namespace identity-platform --install \
    --set platform.ingress.hosts={identity-platform.domain.local} \
    --set \
    --set platform.ingress.tls.issuer.kind=Issuer \
    --set platform.ingress.tls.issuer.create.type=letsencrypt-prod \

Identity platform uninstall

$ helm delete identity-platform -n identity-platform