import CRESTError from "../errors/CRESTError";
* Throws an error when given an unsuccessful response.
* @module crest/middleware/throwOnUnsuccessful
* @param {Promise.<Response>} promise Promise from previous middleware.
* @returns {Promise} Promise to pass to next middleware.
* @throws {CRESTError} Thrown when the response status was not in the 2xx range.
const throwOnUnsuccessful = (promise) => {
return promise.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
return response.json().then(({ message, reason }) => { // eslint-disable-line promise/no-nesting
const statusMessage = reason ? reason : response.statusText;
throw new CRESTError(response.url, response.status, statusMessage, message);
}, () => {
throw new CRESTError(response.url, response.status, response.statusText);
return response;
export default throwOnUnsuccessful;